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" Education is all about how we can change ourselves, it's not about getting degrees. "
Ankit R. Patel

नमस्ते, Let's Talk!
[C21] James M. Rampton, Lionel P. Robert Jr., Myounghoon Jeon, Manhua Wang, Gayoung Ban, Ankit R. Patel, and Dave B. Miller. "Steering UX Education: Designing an Automotive UX Course", 16th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI), Stanford, USA, September 22-25, 2024.
[C20] Ankit R Patel, Richa Ahuja, and Mariacristina Roscia. "Facilitating Citizen Engagement in Smart City Mobility", IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, July 31-August 3, 2024.
[doi: TBD]
[C19] Ankit R Patel, Ankit A. Patel, Tiziana Campisi, and Mariacristina Roscia. "User-Centered Policy Interventions for Future Cities", 24th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1-4, 2024.
[C18] Ankit R Patel, Philipp Wintersberger, Nathan Tenhunfeld, Dustin Souders, Tiziana C. Callari, and Tanja Stoll. "Human and Technology: In the Realm of ADAS", 15th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI), Ingolstadt, Germany, September 18-21, 2023.
[C17] Kristina S. Pececnik, Seul Chan Lee, Sara Hong, Martina Schuss, Hatice S. Ippoliti, Ankit R. Patel, Andreas Locken, Debargha Dey, Andreas Riener, Alexander Miring, and Myounghoon Jeon. "How to Ensure Diversity and Inclusion at Conferences", 15th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI), Ingolstadt, Germany, September 18-21, 2023.
[C16] Ankit R Patel and Mariacristina Roscia. "Assessing the Impact of Sociopolitical Factors on the Rollout of Freight Electric Vehicles", 12th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Oshawa, Canada, August 29-September 01, 2023.
[C15] Ankit R Patel, Mariacristina Roscia, and Dean Vucinic . "Legal Implications for Autonomous Vehicles Mobility in Future Smart Cities", 9th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Bucharest, Romania, September 24-27, 2023.
[C14] Ankit R Patel and Nikolina Ljepava. "How Will Autonomous Vehicles Increase Ease of Life?", 2nd International Conference on Human Centric Smart Computing (ICHCSC), New Delhi, India, July 5-6, 2023.
[C13] Ankit R Patel, Dhaval R. Vyas, and Rajesh S. Patel. "Making Resilient Transition Towards Net-Zero Freight Transport Process Through Socio-Economic, Regulatory, and Political Factors: Case Study of Mahesana City in India", 9th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight (SRF), University of Cambridge and Online, Cambridge, UK, December 12-14, 2022.
[SRF Workshop Link]
[C12] Ankit R Patel, Giovanni Tesoriere, and Tiziana Campisi. "Users' Socio-Economic Factors to Choose Electromobility for Future Smart Cities", 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), Malaga, Spain, July 4-7, 2022, pp. 331-344.
[C11] Ankit R Patel, Gargi Trivedi, Dhaval R Vyas, Adriana-Simona Mihaita, and Padmanaban Sanjeevikumar. "Framework for User-Centered Access to Electric Charging Facilities via Energy-Trading Blockchain", 24th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Okayama, Japan, Dec. 14-16, 2021, pp. 1-6.
[C10] Ankit R Patel, Flora Ferreira, Sergio Monteiro, Ana Carolina Silva, Wolfram Erlhagen, and Estela Bicho. "Prediction of Attitudes Towards Human-Centred Cognitive Vehicles Aware of Their Users' Routines and Preferences", 6th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI), Naples, Italy, Sept. 6-9, 2021, pp. 194-199.
[C9] Ankit R Patel, Flora Ferreira, Sergio Monteiro, and Estela Bicho. "Global Implications of Human Tendencies Towards Automated Driving and Human Driver Availability in Autonomous Vehicles", 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020, pp. 179-192.
[C8] Flora Ferreira, Weronika Wojtak, Wolfram Erlhagen, Paulo Vicente, Ankit R Patel, Sergio Monteiro, and Estela Bicho. "A Dynamic Neural Model for Endowing Intelligent Cars with the ability to Learn Driver Routines: Where to go, When to arrive and How long to stay there?", 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Workshop on Cognitive Vehicles, Macau, China, 2019, pp. 15-18.
(Best Poster Paper Award)
[C7] Ankit R Patel, Sahar Azadi, Mohammad Hossein Babaee, Nafiseh Mollaei, Kalpesh L Patel, and Dhirendra R Mehta. "Significance of Robotics in Manufacturing, Energy, Goods and Transportation Sector in Internet of Things (IoT) Paradigm", 4th International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (IC3A), Pune, India, 2018, pp. 1-4. [doi:]
[C6] Ankit R Patel, Dhaval R Patel, and Rahul D Sathvara. "Future Smart Home Using Intelligent Electronic Devices", 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), Oshawa, Canada, 2016, pp. 100-105.
[C5] Dhaval R Vyas, Jyoti Ohri, and Ankit R Patel. "Comparison of Conventional and Fuzzy Based Sliding Mode PID Controller for Robot Manipulator", 2013 IEEE Conference on Individual and Collective Behaviors in Robotics (ICBR), Sousse, Tunisia, 2013, pp. 115-119.
[C4] Ankit R Patel, Mahesh A Patel, and Dhaval R Vyas. "Modeling and Analysis of Quadrotor using Sliding Mode Control", 44th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (erstwhile SSST, now SoutheastCon), Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2012, pp. 111-114.
[C3] Ankit R Patel, Mahesh A Patel, and Dhaval R Vyas. "Variational Analysis and Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach for Robotics", 2nd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT), Hooghly, India, 2012, pp. 636-640.
[C2] Ankit R Patel, Ankit A Patel, Mahesh A Patel, and Dhaval R Vyas. "Variational Analysis Approach and its Applications to Robotics", IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS), Trivandrum, India, 2011, pp. 196-199.
[C1] Ankit A Patel and Ankit R Patel. "Modeling of Hybrid Dynamical Systems - An Approach to Solve Complex Power Electronic Circuits", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET), Goa, India, 2010, pp. 418-421.
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