[1] ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Yokohama, Japan, May 8-13, 2021.
[2] 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Beijing, China, July 24-26, 2021.
[3] 2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), Fukushima, Japan, Jan. 11-14, 2021.
[4] 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT), Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
[5] 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI), Palermo, Italy, Feb. 22-24, 2021.
[6] 22nd International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Valencia, Spain, Mar. 10-12, 2021.
[7] 39th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 10-12, 2021.
[8] 28th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (ICINS), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 31 May-2 June, 2021.
[9] 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Krakow, Poland, June 28 - July 01, 2021.
[10] 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (VEHITS), Prague, Czech Republic, Apr. 28-30, 2021.
[11] 10th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET), Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 11-13, 2021.
[12] 28th IEEE Conference on Open Innovations Association FRUCT (FRUCT), Moscow, Russia, Jan. 25-29, 2021.
[13] ACM 26th Annual Meeting on Intelligent User Interaction (IUI), Collage Station, Texas, USA, Apr. 13-17, 2021.
[14] ACM 15th Annual Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), Salzburg, Austria, Feb. 14-17, 2021.
[15] IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), Herl'any, Slovakia, Jan. 21-23, 2021.
[16] 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 7-9, 2021.
[17] IEEE Annual South Eastern Conference (SoutheastCon), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 10-14, 2021.
[18] IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya, Japan, June 13-16, 2021.
[19] 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Sept. 19-22, 2021.
[20] 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Feb. 2-9, 2021.
[21] 13th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI), Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 26-29, 2021.
[22] 3rd International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Hokkaido, Japan, Aug. 2-5, 2021.
[23] 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (Mobil.TUM), Singapore, March 15-16, 2021.
[24] 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug. 24-26, 2021.
[25] 7th International IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 16-18, 2021.
[26] 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Washington D.C., USA, July 24-29, 2021.
[27] 17th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Lyon, France, Aug. 23-27, 2021.
[28] 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), New York, USA, July 25-29, 2021.
[29] 11th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF), Graz, Austria, June 30-July 2, 2021.
[30] 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV), Athens, Greece, 2021.
[31] 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), Chicago, USA, June 23-25, 2021.
[32] The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI), Toulouse, France, Sept. 27-30, 2021.
[33] 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Bari, Italy, June 22-25, 2021.
[34] 3rd International Workshop on Automotive and Autonomous Vehicle Security (AutoSec), San Diego, USA, Feb. 21-24, 2021.
[35] 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2021.
[36] 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 17-20, 2021.
[37] 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 21-23, 2021.
[38] 17th IEEE eScience International Conference (eScience), Innsbruck, Austria, Sept. 20-23, 2021.
[39] 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI), Crete, Greece, June 25-27, 2021.
[40] 6oth SICE Annual Conference (SICE), Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 8-10, 2021.
[41] 14th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), Gdansk, Poland, July 8-10, 2021.
[42] 26th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vasteras, Sweden, Sept. 7-10, 2021.
[43] 1st IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS), Montreal, Canada, Aug. 11-13, 2021.
[44] 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly), Bolzano, Italy, July 11-13, 2021.
[45] 18th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Bari, Italy, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2021.
[46] ACM International Conference on Humans and Computers (MuC), Ingolstadt, Germany, Sept. 5-8, 2021.
[47] The 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT), Aveiro, Portugal, Sept. 8-10, 2021.
[48] The 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, Dec. 9-10, 2021.
[49] The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Hiroshima, Japan, Sept. 12-15, 2021.
[50] 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Montreal, Canada, Oct. 18-22, 2021.
[51] 6th IEEE Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI), Naples, Italy, Sept. 6-9, 2021.
[52] 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Notre Dame, USA, Sept. 20-24, 2021.
[53] 20th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture, and International Stability (TECIS), Moscow, Russia, Sept. 14-17, 2021.
[54] International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development, Shenzhen, China, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2021.
[55] 19th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON), Lviv, Ukraine, July 6-8, 2021.
[56] 7th IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON), Moscow, Russia, Aug. 18-20, 2021.
[57] 7th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Virtual Mode, Sept. 7-10, 2021.
[58] IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI), Orlando, FL, USA, Dec. 4-7, 2021.
[59] 3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM), Linz, Austria, Nov. 17-19, 2021.
[60] IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), Waterloo, OT, Canada, Oct. 28-31, 2021.
[61] 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (ACM BuildSys), Coimbra, Portugal, Nov. 17-18, 2021.
[62] 33rd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI), Sydney, Australia, Nov. 30-Dec. 03, 2021.
[63] 7th International ACM In-Cooperation HCI and UX Conference (CHIuXID), Indonesia, Nov. 3, 2021.
[64] 5th ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS), Ingolstadt, Germany, Nov. 30, 2021.
[65] The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 14-17,2021.
[66] 1st International Conference of the Greece ACM SIGCHI Chapter (CHI GREECE), Online, Nov. 25-27, 2021.